mardi 28 juin 2016

Not All Ww3 Predictions Are Born Equal

By Roger Bell

The political climate of the world today and throughout the past few decades has led many to wonder whether or not the world is likely to descend completely into chaos. There have throughout the ages also been a staggering amount of ww3 predictions. People all over the world are often sitting at the edge of their seats wondering whether a huge catastrophic war may soon break out and cause tremendous destruction.

For the most part people are tremendously fearful of the fact that these things might happen. People wonder exactly how the next great war is likely to affect them. Will the country in which they live somehow escape the brunt of the unrest and will they be able to live in safety is yet another matter.

Prophecy within the scriptures of the worlds major religions may give insight into exactly what this next major event may look. All of these major religions teach that a final world war will take place. They allege it to be at the end of time.

While these religious teachings do mention the final war and battle of Armageddon the focus of their teachings is not the devastation itself, but rather the hope that God will bring into the situation. Jews believe that a resurrection will take place after which king David of old will be re-instated as king over national Israel. They also believe that Israel will once again ultimately be elevated as God's people and be blessed above all nations.

For All major religions the ultimate event that will bring about this new messianic age will be the actual rebuild of Solomon's' temple on temple mount in Jerusalem. Plans are actually already afoot as numerous Jewish organizations are already starting with any building work that can take place off site. Once a peace treaty is signed that will allow the Jews to build their temple they have already completed enough of the work to complete the build in as little as two years.

In Christian teaching it is once the temple itself has been built that the world will ultimately descend into chaos. This is when the 7 years of tribulation will fall upon the earth. Once these tribulations have occurred the battle of Armageddon is believed to be the final event at which Jesus himself will defeat all enemies by simply being present. This event will usher in the messianic age and world peace will begin.

This event will usher in a new messianic age in which Jesus will rule the entire earth as king. It is believed that the fabled tree of life will once again grow from the banks of the Jordon river allowing all men to have eternal life. After 1000 years of peaceful living with no sickness, sadness and also perfect peace it is believed that heaven itself will descend on earth ushering in perfection and perfect unity with God for all eternity.

The majority of world war three predictions center around these religious teachings. Most people who are anticipating these events suspect that this final cataclysmic war is in fact going to happen very soon and that it will in fact lead to the battle of Armageddon. From a religious perspective one may have fear regarding these events although it is possible however to look at what is to come rather with a sense of hope.

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