vendredi 8 juillet 2016

Some Facts Concerning Gastric Bypass Surgery Houston Residents Need To Understand

By Carolyn Hughes

Bariatric surgeries are a group of operations that are mainly performed with the aim of achieving weight loss. It is mainly performed in persons with morbid obesity. The main role of this operation is to reduce the capacity of the stomach which effectively minimizes the amount of food that one can eat a given point in time. The end result is a reduction in weight over time. There are several things on gastric bypass surgery Houston patients should know.

There are a number of requirements that have to be met for one to be considered a suitable candidate. One of them is that the potential candidate should have tried losing weight using non-surgical options such as regular exercise and having a proper diet. Persons that have conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cerebrovascular accidents, heart disease and gastro esophageal reflux disease are potential beneficiaries. The body mass index, BMI, should ideally be more than 40.

It is important that you see a doctor for a proper evaluation before you can undergo the operation. Part of this includes providing a clinical history of your condition and undergoing a physical examination for the same. It is at this time that the doctor evaluates you to establish whether you meet the necessary requirements. You may be advised to abstain from taking some drugs or foods that may increase the risk of bleeding.

Gastric bypass can be done in a number of different ways. One of the commonest techniques used is the Roux-en-Y procedure. This is a very popular technique mainly due to the small surgical incisions. Such incisions are associated with fewer complications and the scars are almost inconspicuous. The procedure itself is done in two major stages.

The first stage is the creation of a small pouch from the stomach. This is done using either staples or a silicon band. The resultant volume of stomach is approximately one ounce. The next step in the procedure is the fashioning of a section of intestine into a Y shape and joining it to the pouch so created. This is done on the last part of the intestine which means that the first and second parts are bypassed.

Extensive gastric bypass (also referred to as biliopancreatic diversion) is a radical type that is rarely performed except as a last resort. Commonly, it is done due to severe biliary obstruction caused by liver disease. It is associated with numerous complications and a high mortality rate. The procedure involves the removal of the lower stomach section and the joining of the upper part to the intestines.

The operation is associated with a number of complications. Stretching of the pouch may occur with time and the stomach may even regain its original size in a few years. Another possible complication is that the silicone band may be eroded over time and disintegrate. Leakages of stomach acids may also occur and lead to damage of major organs.

Dumping syndrome is a complication that occurs in a significant number of people with this problem. Symptoms may include fainting, weakness, nausea, sweating and diarrhea. It usually occurs about 30 minutes after a meal (usually a sugary meal).

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